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Life spent in relentless pursuit
Dedication to a goal means persevering through both struggles and triumphs. See how these inspirational individuals, each driven by a unique passion, dedicate themselves to achieving greatness.
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Season 2
The good fight: Felipe Camargo
Dedicate S2E1
Felipe Camargo is determined to be the first South American climber to make a 9B climb.
15 min
The waterman: Matt Poole
Dedicate S2E2
It's not just about winning titles for Australian surfer Matt Poole – it's about learning how to be the best.
17 min
Hugo Pinheiro bodyboards in Iceland
Dedicate S2E3
Follow bodyboarder Hugo Pinheiro as he goes in search of untamed Icelandic waves.
11 min
Against the tide: Alex Maloney and Molly Meech
Dedicate S2E4
Alex Maloney and Molly Meech set out to achieve their goal to qualify for a spot in the year's biggest event.
12 min
Season 1
Women's skydive record
Dedicate S1E1
The skydiving record book gets turned on its head when 65 women attempt to fly upside down together.
12 min
Diving free
Dedicate S1E2
Jacques de Vos heads to Tromsø, Norway, to realise his childhood dream of photographing orca while freediving.
8 min
Throwing rocks
Dedicate S1E3
With the spirit of a skateboarder and the look of a rock star, Chris Plys wants to be the new face of curling.
6 min
100 miles out west
Dedicate S1E4
Will Ryan Sandes's extreme training help him win the Western States 100-Mile Endurance Run in record time?
8 min
The fastest Indian on ice
Dedicate S1E5
This is the story of India's only luger, Shiva Keshavan, whose dedication to the sport keeps in him motivated.
9 min
Strong woman
Dedicate S1E6
Meet Zoe Thompson, the woman who proves that strong is the new beautiful.
8 min
The Hardest Race
Dedicate S1E7
New Zealander Braden Currie takes his background in adventure racing to work his way to IRONMAN.
10 min
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